Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sex Sells. Why hasn't anybody else ever noticed this?

So, it was time to start committing ideas to paper.

We knew our setting would be a small Colorado town tucked just far enough away into the mountains to be charming, yet slightly inaccessible. And so was born our fictional town of Continental Divide. Amy researched the name--so far as we know, there isn't and never was a Colorado town by that name.

Well, there is now.

Let me walk you around the place. It's one of those Colorado boom towns that flourished and then faltered, born during the gold and silver rushes of the mid to late 1800s. Continental Divide is one of the handful of communities that managed to hang on past its logical expiration date, mostly by the sheer stubbornness of its residents, eking out a living via the timber trade and cattle ranching.

Out-of-state investors have started eyeing the lovely mountainsides, just ripe for development as a new ski area. There's a lot of talk nowadays about Continental Divide become a new tourist mecca. Some people are for it. Some are against it.

Our tagline for the show is: Continental Divide... It could be the new Aspen. It could be the old "Deliverance." It's really too soon to tell...

Is that an idea compelling enough to build a whole television series around? Possibly. If you can populate the place with enough interesting characters.

Amy and I discussed who would live in our town. We wanted the place to be diverse (old, young, ethnically well-represented, etc.) and realistic. Funny, compelling, exciting, and yet believable.

Oh, and sexy. Let's face it... No matter what anybody says, they want their television shows to have a handful of sexy people hanging around. And if turns out that some of those people have a recurring tendency to occasionally lose articles of clothing, well, so much the better!

I knew we could work that element into our plots. I am very good at pandering to the lowest common denominator of taste. If we could just insert a few hysterical kicks to the groin, why we'd be good to go!

Yes, our idea was beginning to take on specific form and tone. We just needed to figure out who the core cast of characters would be. And how often we could get them naked. I was confident we were up to the challenge.

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