Friday, January 29, 2010

"Now, if I was going to create a television show..."

I think that's how it first got started. My friend Amy and I are television geeks to the max. I can't speak for Amy or what went so horribly wrong in her upbringing, but for me, it was the sad notion that whatever happened on that little box in the living room was so much more interesting--and comforting--than anything that was happening in real life.

Oh, and by the way, I lied in the previous paragraph. I can, and frequently do, speak for Amy. Ask her, if you don't believe me. We share the same brain.

And we have a history together. We met when we were both cast in a play on a college campus in Denver. Which is kinda strange, because neither of us were students there. But that's a story for another blog. Not this one. We learned that we shared a mutual affection for all things Disney (we both worked at Disneyland at some point during our misspent youths). We both loved the old television series "Northern Exposure." And we are both supremely egotistical enough to believe that we could write a television show that would be better than ninety-five percent of what's beaming through the airwaves and humming through cable lines these days.

So that's what we did...

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